
The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. I still find it hard to get my head around the school year ending in the middle of the calendar year – I don’t think it will ever feel right to me! Moving to the States is going to give me many more opportunities to get used to it πŸ™‚

Every year the kindergarten children put on a summer show and today was the big performance. Their show was based on this storyΒ about a leopard missing his mummy who has gone to look for food. The other animals try to help by giving him cuddles but none of them feel right. It’s only when he is reunited with his mother that he gets the special cuddle he is so desperately seeking.

The school gym had been transformed into a jungle.

Both girls had been very secretive about the performance. If Edie tried to sing any of the songs at home she was swiftly silenced by her older sister. All I knew is that Edie was a bear, Olive was the Mummy leopard and, fortunately for me, I didn’t have to make Β any costumes!

Here come the bears…

Mummy leopard and her babies – she’d had a few more since the book was published!

The babies get ready to go and find Mummy.

The snakes were too slimy to give good cuddles.

Look! There’s Mummy over behind the crocodiles. Their cuddles were too snappy.

Olive’s classmates made great monkeys but alas, their cuddles didn’t cut the mustard either.

Reunited at last – and then all the children ran to their mums and cuddled them! Serious need for tissues πŸ™‚

One fierce mother!

It was lovely. When I asked the girls later what their favourite part had been, Edie answered “all of it!” and Olive declared that she had loved being in front of such a big audience.

My favourite bits xxx

I have to admit to feeling sadness whilst I watched. It was the same sadness I felt at the Garden Party over the weekend. The realisation that we are leaving such a lovely school community, such wonderful teachers and friends, has really hit me. It’s good to be sad though. It means that we are leaving behind something of great value. And it’s also what goes hand in hand with change. So I’m okay with some sadness – here’s to the many happy moments awaiting us.

I have an overwhelming sense of homesickness today. Getting ready to leave our home in Antwerp has led to me thinking of New Zealand a great deal. But that’s okay too…

how could you not be a bit homesick for this πŸ™‚

Lots of love to you all from the leopard, the bear and the kiwi xxx

11 responses to “Showtime!

  1. Beautiful photo of our girls! On the plane home tonight, it was great to see the girls so happy and excited after the show.

  2. nancy gilbertson

    Edie, Olive, you look as if you had a wonderful time, and you make a lovely bear and leopard, your costumes and make-up amazing. Mummy does write such lovely blogs and Grannie and Granda do so enjoy hearing and seeing what you both are up to. What a lovely time you have had in Belgium.
    can’t wait to see what you get up to in Virginia. Love and kisses Grannie

  3. Gorgeous, so exciting – but come home I say! Want to skype soon? I miss you. So again I say come home!

    • I miss you too 😦 Skype soon please – maybe this weekend some time? Hope all the Glasgow-Smarts are good – your boys are going to school soon!! Lots of love to you all xxx

  4. Mrs Croad… Those last words have brought me to tears… Edie was such a lovely addition to our class and it breaks my heart that I’ll never get to see her growing up… I have to say goodbye to a lot of kids this year, not my favourite part of the job. The downside of working in an international school, I guess. I’ll miss the kiwi’s!! Please keep blogging every now and then πŸ˜‰
    A bunch of cuddly cuddles for all of you!

  5. Hi Miss Sarah. Never fear I’m actually at my computer now working on the new blog I’m going to be writing when we are in the US. I’ll be sharing all the details before we leave and you can sign up to have an email sent to you whenever I write something new. And always know you will have a very special place in Edie’s heart πŸ™‚

  6. πŸ™‚ *little happy dance*

  7. Looking forward to following your USA adventures as much as I followed your Belgium adventures. Thank you for all the inspiration for our Belgium holiday – it was everything I hoped for and more – just wish we’d been able to work in ‘meeting’ – maybe back in NZ one day xxx

  8. Hi Cat. So glad you had such a great time in Belgium. Reading your blog has me wishing we had more time to make a visit to Portugal – looked amazing. Would have been really great to meet up too – one day! I’ve started working on the blog I’m going to write for our American adventures. Will send you all the details when its up and running. Take care xx

  9. Thanks for sharing your motherly experience about our KG Show. The children also enjoyed it a lot and we were all looking forward to the parents’ reactions at the end of the show πŸ™‚ Even our eyes got watery! Thanks for your kind words towards us, the teachers, and the school community. It has been our pleasure and honour to have your family with us this year. Time went by too fast 😦 Tot ziens!

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