
About an hour’s drive from Antwerp you will find Efteling, a beautiful theme park based around the fairytales or sprookjes of the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault. Opened in 1952, Efteling is one of the oldest theme parks in the world. We’d been told that we couldn’t leave Belgium without making a visit, so on Saturday we spent a wonderful day exploring the world of fairytales.

The sprookjesboom or fairytale tree. He is a wise old oak who tells stories about the other inhabitants of the fairytale forest.

Efteling began it’s life as a fairytale forest where ten fairytales had been brought to life. Over time it has grown into a full sized theme park with a range of rides and attractions, but it is the sprookjesbos which is the most beautiful and unique part of the park.

The witch ascending to the top of the tower via Rapunzel’s hair.

Edie posing in the sprookjesbos.

The rather well-endowed Little Mermaid.

Gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel.

Tom Thumb attempting to steal the giant’s boots. He is known here as Klein Duimpje.

This castle is home to Snow White’s evil stepmother – complete with talking magic mirror!

The flying Fakir on his magic carpet.

As well as exploring the Sprookjesbos, we went on lots of rides. Our favourite was the Droomvlucht or Dreamflight ride, where we flew through a dream world of forests, fairies, castles and trolls.

Singing fairies in the Droomvlucht.

They were singing and swinging.

A dreamlike fairy world – so beautiful.

If you’d like to see many more Efteling pics, click on the link to my Flickr photos. We thoroughly enjoyed our day – we’ve been to a few theme parks now but have never stayed right until closing time as we did at Efteling. We can all highly recommend it.

Us girls at the end of a very long but very enjoyable day 🙂

Tomorrow it is Olive and Edie’s last day of school and then on Wednesday morning we fly to Virginia to have a look round. It’s going to be a big week, full of many emotions. I’m going to try and write a post from Virginia just to let you catch a small glimpse of our new stomping ground.

Take care everyone. Lots of love xxx

5 responses to “Sprookjesbos

  1. ..and for those of you curious as to what the girls have in their cones – they were mini-donuts (america here we come!), also the fiary tale city inthe 2nd last picture was one of several floating worlds – each about 2-3 mteres in diameter, all in a black ‘floating sea/sky’ – even i thought it beautiful!

  2. Even the girls must have a gold plus airpoints card by now.!Safe and happy travel as you venture again to new and exciting beginnings.Thinking of you all with much love. Special big hugs and kisses to my adorable nieces. Auntie Jenny misses you both more than all the donuts in the USA! xxxxx

    • Hi Jen – great to hear from you. I’m typing this message from Virginia – feel like I’ve gone to another planet!! Taking lots of deep breaths! Will write a proper post about it soon xxx

  3. lovely stories and what a FABULOUS photo of you and the girls at the end.

    • Thanks Dierdre. Seeing as it’s mostly me behind the camera when I do find a good one of me in front of it, I think it’s important to share it!! Hope you and the kids are well – must be nearly time for Thane to go to school?

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